Welcome to My very own Smallville Website!

CLana /Clois fic
Jonartha fic ( Fic about Smallville's hottest Couple!)
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Clark and Lucy Series fanfic
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Hello Everyone, Sorry it's been awhile since I have updated and I've been really busy with School and church activities. But I have been hard at work writing Fanfic to feature on this site and I've been making some FanArt to include onto this site as well. So far I have written three Lucy and Clark Stories and I plan to have all three on this site very soon so please be patient with me. Also to be included in the future what a lot of fans like some Jonathan and Martha fanfic! I hope Everyone has had a great summer.It's been a hot one! I've included some more fan art of Lucy and clark to give others some insite of who Lucy is. I know I need to make a profile of her on this site. But you can view my profile of her at smallvilletalon site.. Happy reading and browsing! Angel2008-2009 aka Glassangels2008

This site will also include upcoming news about the show and plus tv listings so that u wont have to miss a single episode!


 Here is Tom Welling hes the main star of Smallville as Clark  Kent!


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New story coming soon!
