Story written by: Angel2008-2009
Summary: Clark turns bad once again and its up to Martha to bring her son back. Can Clark save his already wrecked
Marriage and win Lucy back?
Hanging By a Moment/ Series #1
Series Smallville/Dukes of Hazzard crossover.
Jonathan and Martha's early years as a young couple in Hazzard county Georgia as Bo and Lori Leigh. Life in Hazzard is
great Until they have to start new in a town because of Martha and start fresh in Smallville. Lori Leigh changes her name
to become Martha and Bo changes his to become Jonathan Kent.
Adopting Clark
Hanging By moment Series # 2
The Kents find Clark in a crater in the field after a Meteor Shower. They must find a way to raise him without anyone
finding out Clark's Special Abilities.
Superman & Laura Kent Series # 3
Not long after Bo becomes Superman, Martha mysteriously becomes pregnant with a baby girl.Martha and the baby cannot go
to the hospital because of the Kents afraid of their baby becoming exposed. So the Kents must deliver at home with close family.
newer stories to come in the future these are just descriptions!Hanging by moment the series is co-written with Jonathan
