
The Smallville Characters & Cast are starting Front row beginning at left: Lucy Jennings: Hilary Duff, Lana Lang: Kristin
Kreuk,Clark Kent:Tom Welling Second row: Left: Chloe Sullivan: Alison Mack, Martha Kent: Annnette o toole, Jonathan Kent:
John Schneider,Lex Luthor: Michael Rosenbaum.
Back row: Lois Lane: Erica Durance, Lionel Luthor: John Glover, Jason Teague: Jensen Ackels.
Note: Hilary Duff doesn't actually guest star on smallville the original series. Lucy Jennings is just a made up Character
that I own. Looks like she's actually part of the cast, don't it?

Lucy Jennings Profile
Lucy Jennings is a character I made up for my series Lucy and Clark the Series fanfic. Lucy Jennings isn't Lucy Lane.
She isn't related to Lois Lane. In fact, her and Lois are best friends in my fanfic. The one who I can see portraying
Lucy is Hilary Duff. Lucy remains a mystery to Smallville fans. She comes to Smallville from California. She's also
an angel in human form. She can teleport herself, have visions of the future, and she can heal others. Like Clark,
Lucy doesn't like to tell others about her big secret. She just wants to be normal. Her and Clark hook up in my series
and later on, get married.

Forever Love Series starring John Schneider as Jonathan williams, Julianne Moore- Melanie Williams. Summary: True love
never dies , its only Forever love.

New story coming soon!
