Story: Jonathan's Return Jonathan and Martha Kent Fan
Author: Angel2008-2009
for: smallvilleph, smallville virtuality, One red hot mama Martha kent fan fic
Summary: Lional makes a pass on Martha Kent . Furious what he sees, Jonathan comes
back to kick some serious butt and makes sure that Lional doesn't get his wife.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Smallville characters so don't sue. I just
like to create my own version of how the show should be written .
Spoilers: follow up to Reckoning this happens two months after Jonathan's presumed
Before heading to her Senator Conference, Martha had lunch with her dearest friend
Billionaire Lional Luthor. After eating at a fancy seafood restaurant, they had discussed business matters mostly about
her campaign coming up and several public speeches . Arriving at the conference , Martha looked beautifull in her navy blue
She gave a long speech about how she wanted to improove the town of Smallville
, Lower costs, and help bring newer jobs to the community.Martha continued on "There is also a special need to build
more Schools . Jonathan would be happy to know how great we are improoving Smallville ," she tells her audience happily "We
all miss him in fact , there is an award I'd like to present to my late husband , a plaque to honor his memory and I want
it to be put up in the Talon". She motioned for Lional to come closer and he did holding a big black with oak framed plaque.
She read what it had said "To my loving husband who cared about his family and was an honorable humble loving man and father".
The audience clapped . Some even had tears in they're eyes.Jonathan outside was
walking towards the Talon . Brushing off The dirt from his Jacket, He heard commotion coming from the place .As he got
closer, he heard Martha's voice, Martha he thought to himself . God , he truly missed her . He hoped her and Clark were
doing ok without him. Jonathan had too thought he had died out there on the Kent farm . But when he woke , he realised he
was still alive. And founded himself in a morgue. he didn't want Martha and Clark to know he was alive , Not yet anyway. The
main reason he wanted his family to believe he had died was because Jonathan didn't want to continue being Senator .
After the argument he had with Lional two months ago , Jonathan had founded out Lional was behind his big Success .LIonal
had given Martha a big check to help out with his Campaign. And Jonathan didn't want anything to do with it . Period.
But Martha had insisted anyway and Clark wanted him to beat Lex. But Jonathan didn't want to be Senator . He didn't
want the Luthors helping him out one bit.
Stepping inside he saw Martha on the podium she looked beautifull even today
. Jonathan knew he had to show his face but what would he say to his own wife and son? He moved to the front of
the crowd to finish hearing Martha's Speech. He was impressed that she did well being Senator. But then he frowned
once he saw Lional beside her . His arm was over her shoulders and he was smiling at her effectionately. In his sick twisted
Luthor way. Dang it Luthors thought Jonathan silently. Couldn't wait for me to die so you could have Martha could
you ?
After the speech was over the audience clapped. Martha looked into the audience
and swore she thought she saw Jonathan standing there smiling and clapping too.Nonsense, she thought I"m just hallucinating
things. LIonal led her aside the podium . "You did a wonderful job tonight Martha " said Lional leaning close to her.
Martha smiled "Thanks Lional and for being so supportive of me". LIonal "It's
what friends are for , Listen Martha we've been friends for awhile now . Why don't you say we date some?" Without thinking
Lional suddenly forced himself onto Martha he then kissed her lips passionately . Arms flinging and her trying to push
him away , Martha felt helpless. Jonathan had had enough . He stepped from The Audience and Punched Lional hard.LIonal
stumbled backwards shocked. Jonathan rubbed his hand it hurted from the hard punch .Martha completely starled was surprised
to see him was she dreaming?"Jonathan ?" she asked and ran over to hug him .
"It's really you!but how on earth?" we thought you had died " Martha continued
on to stare as pictures were being taken of them .Jonathan hugged his wife ignoring the reporters. "I can explain everything
, really but just not here and yes , it is me" he said smiling rubbing her cheeks.
Martha nodded "We can go to my car ." while walking him outside she asked
him" Are you okay?" do you need a doctor?"
she asked him worriedly. JOnathan smiled "Don't worry sweetheart I'm fine . Nothing
a wife couldnt cure" Martha had to smile back at him they walked to her car and she drove them to
the Kent farm . "Clark is going to be so happy to see you alive , he's just not been himself ever since what happened".
her voice made a crack.
Jonathan touched her hand softly , "I didn't die honey just had a brush
with death is all ". he said. They drove up to the Kent farm . Clark's truck was already there . And the lights
were on . Martha and Jonathan stepped inside the Farmhouse to find Clark watching a football game with Lana Lang.
"Clark , come into the kitchen please". said Martha trying to get Jonathan to
sit down . "I'm fine really I am martha " said Jonathan . Clark stepped into the kitchen and froze at what he saw .
His dad Jonathan was smiling at him and he was alive. "Dad?" Clark choked out . Tears was forming into his eyes . Jonathan
got all emotional too as well. "It's me son". He held open his arms and Clark ran into them . "You're alive". Clark said hugging
him tighter.
Tears were now coming out of Jonathan's eyes. Lana stood back watching the entire
scene . She was crying too . For she liked Mr kent as well. Jonathan looked at her "Come here Lana"< he said he then
opened his free arm . They all stood in one big hug Jonathan clark , martha and Lana .
That night during supper, Martha served up Jonathan's favorite mashed potatoes,
and ribs and green beans. All come from the Kent farm.
"So Dad , where have you been all this time?" asked Clark wanting to know.
Martha looked at her husband too . Wondering why had he fooled them into thinking
all this time he was dead.
"Wel for starters , I wasn't really dead . You guys didn't bury the real me .
A replica was placed in the coffin." Said Jonathan .
"A replica, what on earth is that?" asked Martha . Her husband tryed
his best to explain " A replica is basically a robot copy of me". Jonathan continued on "I had a friend
create a copy of me to get to the bottom of what was going on behind the election. While watching over the Replica
, I had founded out Lional had paid a large sum of money in which my dearest wife should never had accepted".
Joanthan glared over at Martha . " I told you Honey, I didn't want the Luthors invovled , but you had to go behind
my back and accept the check anyway."
MArtha looked at him " I'm sorry Jonathan , really I am . But we weren't
doing well in the election finacialy . LIonal had offered to help . Seriously Jonathan , you got to
cut out this hatred for the Luthors. Its not healthy ". she took a bite out of her salad.
Jonathan sighed " I just don't want them helping us Martha , all my life
I've worked hard for what I've got , this Family , This Farm , my Job.. And I will not let some billionaire
help me out with some election." Now it would be different if they weren't helping us".
"Is this why you wanted us to beleive you were dead that you didn't want
to continue being Senator?" asked Martha "Honey , why didn't you tell us?" Martha asked concerned.
JOnathan continued on and his expression softened. "I didn't know how ,
sweetheart. I was so confused , so angry, I just needed a break from Smallville , and some time alone to think about
what I was going to say when I returned. he finished.
MArtha touched his hand "Jonathan , you should have told us this honey,
we could have worked something out and worked out a solution".
Clark then spoke uip "Yeah she's right dad mom recently took over being
Jonathan looked at his wife lovingly and smiled " I know, I saw her earlier
how beautifull she looked on that Podium " he said Martha smiled in return glad to have Jonathan back .
THe end!